Typical HDD Projects

Chongqing-Qijiang HDD Mountain Crossing in Songkan Town

Time: 2018-09-15 14:12:36 View: 9122

Nov 15, 1012, HY announced a full completion in Songkan Town mountain crossing of Chongqing-Qijiang line, which marked the birth of a new tech developed by HY – pipeline push-up in the back-pulling stage.

The project construction site located at Chongqing mountain area with 200m height difference between entrance and exit point, hypsographic feature and traffic inconvenience, so it was barely to transport the equipments and pipes to the exit site. Every single work had to be done at the foot of the mountain. In view of this, the team decided to push up the pipeline to the exit from the entrance point instead of the regular back-pulling method based on the previous experience of the pipe-pushing. Moreover, there was little construction area even at the mountain-foot, HY wielded the 21 pipes with a length about 800m one by one during the pushing-up stage.

After 70hrs, an 829m pipeline was finally drilled out from the 200m higher exit point.